Dictionary Japanese - English

Term Meaning
Kagi Zuki Hook punch
Kai Organization; Understand
Kaisho Club
Kaishocho Head Instructor of a Club
Kaiten Nage Rotary throw
Kaiso Opening Ancestor
Kakato Heel
Kakato uke Bent wrist lock
Kake Attack; Application of the technique
Kaiaku A vital point located on the hand
Kakiwaza uke Pushing through block
Kakuto Bent sword; Bent wrist
Kakuto uke Bent wrist block
Kaiten Spin; Rotary
Kan A building or structure
Kama Sickle, used in pairs in Okinawan Karate
Kamae Posture
Kami Hair
Kami shiho gatame Upper four-corner hold
Kan School; Intuition
Kancho (1) School President
(2) Head Instructor of a School
Kane sute Flying sacrifice
Kani basami Flying scissors
Kanji (1) Oriental Writing
(2) A Character in the Japenese System of Writing Based Upon Borrowed or Modified Chinese Characters
Kano, Jigoro Founder of Judo
Kansetsu Joint lock
Kansetsu waza Joint locking techniques
Kanzen Muketsu Absolute perfection
Kara Empty
KaradaZuki Body Build
Karate (1) Empty hand
(2) A martial arts style featuring strikes
Karate Do Empty Handed Way
Kata (1) Form, sometimes stylized and pre-arranged; Nage no kata
(2) Shoulder. Kata guruma
Kata Dori Shoulder or lapel grab
Kata gatame Shoulder hold
Kata guruma Shoulder wheel throw
Kata ha jime Single edge choke
Kata Ido Form movement
Kata juji jime Half cross choke
Katame Grappling
Katame waza (1) Mat work
(2) Grappling and ground-fighting techniques
(3) Also known as Ne-waza
Katana Long sword
Kata te Dori Straight wrist grab
Kata te tori Grasping of hands
Katsu Revival techniques
Kazuri kesa gatame Modified scarf hold
Ke House; Family
Keage Kick upward
Kekomi Kick through; Kick thrust
Keiko Practice; Training the spirit
Keikogi Practice Uniform
Keiko uchi Chicken beak strike
Kempo Fist law; Fist way
Kempoka Practictioner of Kempo
Kendo Japanese sword fighting
Kenko Health and Peace
Kensho Insight; Religious insight
Kentsui Fist hammer
Keri Kick
Keri waza Kicking techniques
Kesa gatame Scarf hold
Ki Vital energy; Spirit; Spiritual Energy
Kiai (1) Spiritual harmony;
(2) Shout or yell with vital energy (ki)
Kiba dachi Horse stance
Kihon Basics
Kihon Ido Basic movement
Kihon Kumite Basic sparring
Kihon waza Basic Techniques
Kime Focus
Kintama Groin/Testicles
Kiotsuke Attention
Kirikami Cut of Paper
Kitskay Attention
Kiyo Positive spirit
Kiyojute Ryu The Family of Spiritually Positive, Gentle People
Ko (1) Skill
(2) Minor
Kobujutsu Ancient martial art; Weapon arts
Kodokan (1) Headquarters of Judo in Japan
(2) Literally, "school for studying the way"
Kohai Junior Student
Koko Tiger mouth
Koko uchi Tiger mouth strike
Kokutsu dachi Back stance
KoKyu Breath
KoKyu Nage Breath throw
KoKyu Ho Breathing division or method
Komi Pulling
Koppo Bone method; Bone breaking
Koreisai A vital point located on the top of the foot
Kosa Dori Cross hand grab
Koshi (1) Hip
(2) Ball of the foot
Koshi guruma Hip wheel throw
Koshi jime Hip choke
Koshi Nage Hip throw
Koshi waza Hip techniques
Kosoto gakae Minor outer hook
Kosoto gari Minor outer reaping throw
Kote Forearm
Kote gaeshi Forearm throw / reversal
Kouchi gari Minor inner reaping throw
Ku Nine. See also numerals
Kubi Neck / Shoulder
Kubi Nage Shoulder throw
Kumikata Forms of gripping; Methods of holding
Kumite Sparring
Kunren Discipline
Kurisuchan Christian
Kusarigama Sickle with a rope or chain attached
Kusho Vital points of the body
Kuzushi Balance breaking
Kyoshi (1) Faith Teacher
(2) Head Instructor
Kyu Grade under black belt; 10th Kyu is the lowest and 1st the highest
Kyusho Vital point
Kyusho jutsu Pressure point strikes

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